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Carma Bylund Co-Authors Two Articles on Patient-Centered Communication and Medical Residents’ Stress Management

Carma Bylund, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications (UFCJC) associate professor of Public Relations and in the Division of Hematology and Oncology at the UF College of Medicine , is the co-author of “Review of the Patient-Centered Communication Landscape in Multiple Myeloma and Other Hematologic Malignancies” published in Patient Education and Counseling on April 26.

Carma Bylund

Bylund, and co-authors Thomas LeBlanc, Walter Baile, Susan Eggly, Sandra Kurtin, Monica Khurana, Rani Jajdi, Julie Blaedel, Jeffrey Wolf and Rafael Fonseca, identified three critical, but modifiable, barriers to patient-centered communication in the hematologic malignancy setting, including insufficient information exchange, treatment goal misalignment, and discordant role preferences in treatment decision-making. Through their research, they found factors that enhanced interaction quality including educational programs for clinicians and patients.

Bylund was also the senior author of “The Impact of a Stress Management Intervention on Medical Residents’ Stress and Burnout” published in the International Journal of Stress Management on March 7. Bylund, and co-authors Jess Ghannam, Abedelhamid Afana, Evelyn Ho, and Abdullatif Al-Khal, studied how to assess the effect of a stress management intervention on medical residents’ burnout and stress management behaviors and outcomes. The goal was to help residents identify stressors and early warning signs of stress and to practice intervention techniques.

Posted: May 2, 2019
Category: College News, STEM Center News
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