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CJC Doctoral Student Co-Authors Two Articles on Internal Communication

University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications doctoral student Cen “April” Yue  is the lead author of “Examining the Effects of Internal Communication and Emotional Culture on Employees’ Organizational Identification” published in the International Journal of Business Communication on March 31.

Yue, Public Relations Associate Professor Rita Men and Public Relations Professor Mary Ann Ferguson examined how a symmetrical internal communication system and leaders’ use of motivating language contribute to fostering a positive emotional culture. The study also examined the linkage between a positive emotional culture and employees’ organizational identification.

Mary Ann Ferguson
Mary Ann Ferguson
Rita Linjuan Men
Rita Men
Cen April Yue
Cen April Yue

According to the authors, “Results showed that both symmetrical internal communication and leaders’ use of motivating language, including meaning making, empathetic, and direction-giving languages, induced employees’ perception of a positive emotional culture of joy, companionate love, pride, and gratitude, which in turn enhanced employees’ organizational identification. Positive emotional culture fully mediated the impact of corporate and leadership communications on employee identification with the organization.”

In addition, Yue is the co-author of “Status of Internal Communication Research in Public Relations: An Analysis of Published Articles in Nine Scholarly Journals from 1970 to 2019” to be published in Public Relations Review, Volume 46, Issue 3, September 2020.

Yue and Yeunjae Lee examined the trends of internal communication research through a quantitative content analysis of 223 published articles in public relations and other communication journals. They analyzed research topics, theoretical frameworks, methodology, and authorship information.

According to the authors, “Results indicate that internal communication research in public relations scholarship has exponentially increased since 2011. Research topics on internal communication have diversified since 2000, from descriptive studies illustrating internal communication practices to a variety of relevant phenomena on employee and organizational outcomes.”


Posted: June 22, 2020
Category: College News, ICRH News, Student News, Trust News
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