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Frank LoMonte Talks About Campus Newsrooms and Racial Awareness

Frank LoMonte, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications Brechner Center for Freedom of Information director, was quoted in “Campus Newsrooms Rethink Their Approach to Race” published in The Christian Science Monitor on July 25.

The article focuses on how student newspapers are now leading the effort to bring more diversity to the industry due to heightened racial awareness and debate on college campuses.

Frank LoMOnte
Frank LoMonte

“The heightened dialogue about the underrepresentation of people of color in media is very much making itself felt in the college newsroom,” said LoMonte. “We’re at a moment where people of color are standing up and demanding to be heard in the media, and rightly so. As an editor you ignore that at your great peril.”

“If you’re the New York Times, it’s hard to diversify your newsroom overnight because you’re looking for people with decades of experience that you’re going to pay six-figure salaries,” he said. “At the college newsroom you can just throw the door open and let everybody who wants to come in, come in. Just pull up another chair. There’s plenty of room.”

Posted: August 2, 2018
Category: College News
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