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Jasmine McNealy to Serve as Keynote Speaker for the Annual Penn State Pockrass Memorial Lecture

Jasmine McNealy, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications Media Production, Management, and Technology associate professor, will be the keynote speaker for the annual Pockrass Memorial Lecture at the Penn State University Kern Auditorium on March. 11.

Her lecture, “Sound/Off: Data, Persuasion and Regulation,” will address the cognitive and emotive power of sonic data, which has increasingly been used as part of people’s interactions with systems that are used to make inferences and predictions about the behavior of those same people. The talk examines the role that sonic data is playing in people’s mediated interactions and how policymakers can and should begin to regulate these interactions.

The annual Pockrass Memorial Lecture was named after the late Professor Robert M. Pockrass, a member of Penn State’s journalism faculty from 1948 to 1977. Pockrass, who specialized in public opinion and popular culture, served as the graduate officer and taught radio news writing.

Posted: February 19, 2024
Category: College News
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