Cynthia Morton is the Co-Author of an Article on Responses to Anti-Terrorism Advertising
Cynthia Morton, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications Advertising associate professor, is the co-author of “Controversial Conversations: The Emotions Evoked by Anti-Terrorism Advertising” published in the Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising May 2020.
Morton and Jorge Villegas review an exploratory study that compares the emotional responses to anti-terrorism messages when the attributed source is manipulated (for-profit, not-for-profit, and government).

According to the authors, “The concept of discrete emotions (e.g., anger, joy, fear) was used to explore the emotions elicited by this type of message and its sources and the unique influence on audience’s perceptions of persuasion of these discrete emotions. The results found that messages which include references about terrorism elicit a complex emotional response that can increase or reduce the persuasiveness of the message.”
Posted: May 4, 2020
Category: College News
Tagged as: Cynthia Morton