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Yu-Hao Lee Co-Authors Article on Using Digital Games to Train Law Enforcement Officers

Yu-Hao Lee, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications Telecommunication assistant professor, is the co-author of “Training Law Enforcement Officers to Identify Reliable Deception Cues with a Serious Digital Game” published in the International Journal of Game-Based Learning, 2019.

Yu Hao Lee
Yu-Hao Lee

Lee, and co-authors Claude Miller, Norah Dunbar, Mathew Jensen, and Zachary Massey, studied traditional methods used to train law enforcement officers on detecting deception. They found that traditional training methods are often less effective than no training at all at improving successful detection.

According to the authors, “interactive digital games can provide an immersive learning environment for deeper internalization of new information through simulated practices. They hypothesized that reducing players’ reactance would mitigate resistance to training, motivate engagement with materials, and result in greater success at deception detection and knowledge. They found the digital game to be significantly more intrinsically motivating, engaging and appealing as a deception detection activity.”

Posted: June 28, 2019
Category: College News
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