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Jordan Alpert Joins CJC Advertising Department

Jordan Alpert
Jordan Alpert

University of Florida alumnus Jordan Alpert will join the University’s College of Journalism and Communications Advertising Department this summer as an assistant professor specializing in media planning.

Alpert’s research focuses on how technology, such as electronic health records and patient portals, can facilitate communication between patients and providers. He also is exploring how health issues are discussed and disseminated using social media.

He is currently an instructor and postdoctoral fellow in cancer prevention and control in the Department of Health Behavior and Policy at Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine. He received his Ph.D. in Communication from George Mason University in 2015, M.A. in Media, Culture and Communication from NYU in 2012 and a B.S. from the Warrington College of Business in 2003.

Before embarking on an academic career, he spent nine years in the communication industry.  His positions, all in New York, included marketing communications manager at, senior account executive at IMC2, account executive at Sharpe Partners, junior account executive at TMP Worldwide and assistant media planner at Universal McCann.

He has authored or co-authored eight peer-reviewed articles from 2014-16 and has five manuscripts under review or in preparation. He has presented 14 papers and is the co-author on two forthcoming book chapters.

Posted: April 6, 2017
Category: College News, STEM Center News
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