If you’ve ever thought “someone should do that thing”
or “I wonder who tells that story…”
We’re your home.

UF’s curious home for “impossible” ideas.

The somewhere of “someone should do that cool thing.”

The there of “that’d be nifty to make.”

We're Looking To Build Our Team

We’re Looking For:

(developer experience, responsible for knowing what the latest in storytelling might be from a media perspective)

(from all expertises in the college, PR/Copy/News)

Designers/Art Directors

(producer, director, editor – basically the get things done of film/camera)

Strategist/People Person
(responsible for driving insight and/or scrappy research)

Project Managers
(set timelines, ensure client contact, ensure everyone is aligned and things shift accordingly)

Subject Matter Experts

Even if you don’t fit into one of the descriptors above, we want to hear from you.

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* indicates required

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