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Rachel Grant Co-Authors Article on Undocuqueer Movement Visual Communications

Rachel Grant, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications Journalism assistant professor, is the co-author of “’No Longer Interested in Convincing You of My Humanity:’ Undocuqueer Countervisualties Reclaim the Right to Exist” published in Visual Communication Quarterly on Dec. 22.

Rachel Grant
Rachel Grant

Grant and Ayleen Cabas-Mijares examined how activists rely on visual expression to reveal and reframe the complex forces that shape Undocuqueer life in the U.S. The Undocuqueer movement is a network of queer undocumented immigrant activists organizing for the rights of undocumented youth and their families.

In their study, they explored the images that Undocuqueer activists circulate in online spaces, and how activists rely on visual expression to reveal and reframe the complex forces that shape the movement.

According to the authors, “Undocuqueer visual communications expose the in-betweenness that defines the Undocuqueer experience, the expanding transnational intersectional coalitions at the foundation of the movement, and a reconceptualization of Undocuqueer worth that is independent from the economic contributions of the community. These countervisualities reclaim a community’s right to look and demonstrate alternative forms of self and community that could be more conducive to social transformation and justice.”

Posted: January 8, 2021
Category: College News
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