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Mira Lowe Comments on Digital Recruiting Obstacles for Women and Graduates of Color

Mira Lowe, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications (UFCJC) assistant dean for student experiences and Innovation News Center director, contributed to “Graduates’ Prospects: Can Job Seekers Navigate the Pandemic-Battered Labor Market?” published in CQ Researcher on Dec. 4.

Mira Lowe

The report focuses on career prospects for college graduates during the COVID-19 pandemic. Lowe wrote a 400-word piece that took the “Con” position to the question: Does digital recruiting level the playing field for graduates of color and women graduates from smaller colleges?

According to Lowe, “Digital recruiting may help expand the candidate pool, but prioritizing outreach to potential applicants from underrepresented groups at different colleges and universities will help companies level up their hiring practices and diversify their workforce.”

Posted: December 7, 2020
Category: College News, Mira Lowe
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