About the College

Faculty Mentoring Workshop

On Jan. 27, 2106,  the CJC Faculty Senate hosted a workshop on faculty mentoring.  The workshop was run by Dr. Thomasenia Lott-Adams, professor and associate dean for Research and Faculty Development, Office of Educational Research at the College of Education.

Below is a video of the session and material distributed at the event.

Deans’ Introduction


Workshop Video

Supporting Materials

  1. Successful Faculty Mentoring and Retention (slides) by Thomasenia Lott Adams, Ph.D.
  2. “Friendly Advice Manual” by Thomasenia Lott Adams, Ph.D.
  3. Faculty mentoring faculty in a public university (summary) by Roberta G. Sands et al.
  4. Faculty mentoring faculty in a public university by Roberta G. Sands et al.
  5. What Goes Around Comes Around: Improving Faculty Retention Through More Effective Mentoring by Janne Dunham-Taylor et al.
  6. Peer Mentoring for Tenure-Track Faculty by Cynthia S. Jacelon et al.
  7. Mentoring of Women Faculty: The Role of Organizational Politics and Culture by Sharon K. Gibson
  8. Measuring the Effectiveness of Faculty Mentoring Relationships by Ronald A. Berk et al.