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Panel: Generational Social Media Critique for Business and Personal

[jwplayer file=”college/PR-Future-Trends-2011-1118.mp4″ html5_file=”″]

Three members of the UF Public Relations Advisory Council, teamed up with three members of the PRSSA at UF for a review and critique of their personal and business social media sites. Each participant reviewed and made suggestions for improvements to their paired partner’s Facebook, Twitter and Linked In pages. Several practical and common sense observations were shared with a larger audience for how to best navigate the personal and professional obligations we have as communicators via these new social media vehicles. The panel was held Nov. 18, 2011 in the Gannett Auditorium.

Advisory Council Panelists:

  • John Deveney
  • Julie Spechler
  • Kathy Barbour

Student Panelists:

  • Jacqueline Bond
  • Jerry Bruno
  • Casey Macioge

Moderator: Karen Jones

Running time: 46:58.


Posted: December 9, 2011
Category: Webcasts