Information on this page pertains to a master's thesis that is supervised by Professor McAdams in the College of Journalism and Communications. These guidelines are for students who have selected Professor McAdams as the committee chair for their thesis.

A master's thesis takes at least two semesters to complete. A basic timetable goes something like this (note: University deadlines are the student's responsibility):

Fall Semester

Spring Semester


I will not be available to work with you, or to hold a defense, in the summer months (early May through mid-August). I am not on salary during that time, and usually I will not be in Gainesville.

Extremely Important

Read everything here: UF Graduate School Thesis and Dissertation information. Your graduation depends on it.

The formatting templates from the UF Graduate School are a vital part of the process of producing a successful thesis. Please download them right away and use them from the very start of your thesis writing.

Project in Lieu of Thesis

A thesis is different from a project in lieu of thesis. Follow that link if you might want to do a project instead of a thesis.
